Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Morning i wake up than i call ZhiCheng.. Than he sms me and say that he put silent mode cause got some idiot bloody fools call him at midnight lols =p
Than went down and play basketball. After playing than we went to eat and than went to ZK house. Playing dota at his house LOLS>.< !!!! -.-
My darling sheryl call me and say that she got exam at afternoon than after that i went to find her.. hahas finally can see again le so happy =)
Than we went to eat. Than she go home le.
i went to basketball court and find my friend and play with them.. play play liao than want 7 le went home, on computer and chat with darling on msn and on the phone hehe..
So cool no need to go to school le than wait got exams than go hahas. last paper gonna be at 9 oct after that no need to go back to school anymore le xD
Posted by WindDrift at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Today morning i wake up 6.30am hehe. We thought today N-level paper
Wake up le than went to LRT station and was hard. Who knows it was
After that we went to a block and look at
photos.. Than i go to school with her hahas. HOPE CAN PASS WITH FLYING COLOURS
I went home and finding ZK to play dota with
me than after that at 1+ than we went to
Posted by WindDrift at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Today wake up le than went to eat .... Than i on computer my baobei call me out hahas. i was so happy=) After that we meet out le. After we went home le than we at msn chit chit chat chat.
i eat at home, food was so less and not enough for me to eat, so i went out to eat with my brother. Than come home le i was at msn with my baobei xD
tomorrow is N-level le, haiz sian sia is MATHS de paper. TMD going to fail want lahx sure de lor
MATHS no need to see close 1 eye to also lou lan also can pass up the paper liao, cause take back the result sure know is only a piece of shit. Paper start at 2pm WTF LOLs? Afternoon so hot go and take exam also wa lan eh DONG BUAY DIAO the weather. Wish tomorrow afternoon have a big rain and it will be cool. After finishing the paper liao at the sleep and lye down..
Posted by WindDrift at 4:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday a good day again.. Morning was raining so cool i like the weather xD
After recess math lesson go to IT LAB! was at there like almost 2 hours wow lols, cold dao =.= than i was at there lying down there doing nothing friend was at there sleeping for 2 hours in the air-con LOLS.
After school went home le than msn with bebe. Afternoon went to buy lunch than on the way bebe call me and i go find her.. So happy finally can see bebe sheryl le =)
Posted by WindDrift at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today was thinking of not going to school hahas. But than cannot mother sure keep calling dao i wake up -.-
Than went to school like nothing to do, last lesson was CD lesson, teacher let us watch movie than i was like at there lying on the table so tired. xp When i went home bebe and her friend was at causeway and she call me to go hahas. Finally can go out with bebe le so happy. xD
Than she and her friend went back to school than we took bus back.. muacks muacks with bebe le so happy, and it was so sweet
Than after we reach school there le, we muack again than the bus stop le than we hi-5 hahas.
After that i went to friend house see im play don't know what naruto de ...... -.- We went down and eat than go back to his house see him DOTA !!! oO
Today was quite ok lahx not so boring day ^^
wish to see bebe more and have more time with her<3 you SSPLx333
Posted by WindDrift at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This few days bo update dao =) was at outside hahas... no time to update hahas.
yesterday and the day before went out and help me bebe to buy shirt and short for her xD
Than we went to CCK, BBP and BUGIS :D
Today never went to school at home so boring nothing to do, sleep until about want 12pm le JunYi sms me and i woke up =.= LOL than i woke up and prepare and i went to JunYi house. After that at 1+ i and Zi Kheong went to greenridge and eat than after that went to to school there and i go find bebe sheryl=) i give her the cloth that i bought for her than she went to BBP with her friends...
After i went to ZK house and play dota..
Finally went home le now than update blog xp
Posted by WindDrift at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Posted by WindDrift at 1:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
sorry guys if i never update computer spoiling soon i think LOLS... >.< hEhe
Posted by WindDrift at 4:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008

1. Reach school at class do what shit writing than after that we have pe haiz stay in class than they chit chat with the teacher.
2. D&T lesson we also at class playing card games =)
3. We have mother tongue.. We was at field there playing basketball than our teacher come call come go back to class TMD.. Waste our time want sia after that she let us down to play again because she say better we go down rathe than stay at class playing card game cause she knew that we will play with $$$ hehe
4. After that the last lesson we had english. Our teacher sure 100% let us go and play at our english N-LEVEL had finish haha. Had nothing to study liao ma. =)
As it had been the day all lesson end already i want to go and find my darling, her friend say she at office there cause she and her friend pon10 lesson.. WOW that COOL.... Than after that we went home and chit chit chat chat on phone and also msn too.. xD
Posted by WindDrift at 1:09 AM 0 comments
http://www.youtube.com/ THAN SEACH THE VIDEO ''bench prank'' AND SEE IS IT FUNNY xp
Posted by WindDrift at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Today morning wake up, go to school.. At school got like just per normal day lor. At school slack, go down field there play basketball. Sian lor pe lesson at class also cannot go down and play haiz stay at class i stare you, you stare me LOL we keep tell teacher to let us go down and play he don't let zai la he... =.=
After that we had our D&T lesson than we go for recess, after recess was english lesson xD hahas that was the free period we have and we went to play basketball.. =) hm.. i not sure is D&T lesson first or english first but than nevermind la got free lesson to go down and play can le.. hahas :D
After that we had Maths lesson haiz see that ass face again see le also sian want lor knn.... _l_-.-lll _l_ anyway also good la go computer room at there blow air-con, as the computer there sux to the core until we bo weh gong ar too lousy le the computer.. My house computer speed fast more than there xdon't know how many times ar LOLS...
haiz.. lastly the assemble.. stupid sit down there TMD buttock pain ar wa lan eh i hate it so much when at assembly always so late go want they so late than dismiss us wa kao .. nevermind...
After that when they dismiss i went to canteen and wait for my darling princess sheryl =) hahas i was sitting she and her friend did not saw me than i go at their back than finally at the bus stop they saw me hhehe..
Finally reach home, at school so less people come lols... ALL ALREADY PUBLIC HOLIDAY LE^^
Posted by WindDrift at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
ღ我很开兴有你陪在我身边。看到你天天可爱的笑容,可以让我每一份每一秒都开兴。我爱你 你永远都在我心里。命中注定ღ
Posted by WindDrift at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Morning wake up school again oO days past and past fast soon is going to reach N level again
hahas.. Go school also slack nia so less teach, go liao bo study o.o wish that go where also can
Posted by WindDrift at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Posted by WindDrift at 6:33 AM 0 comments
After we play le candle i and my darling de korkor and his friend chiong from bangkit to fajar than i lend basketball from my friend than after that we chiong to zhenghua park and play basketball xp It was so cool as i so long had never chiong for long wa!
Posted by WindDrift at 6:27 AM 0 comments
yesterday lantern festival day was so fun ^^ i went to play with my darling sheryl =) and her korkor and his friend haha
At first we was playing than suddenly got people came take bombbag and throw at us, we dont' know who was that.... LOL..
we thought was some people disturb us and we saw them running about everywhere HAHAHA...
than in the end we knew that it is my darling de korkor and his friend hahas..
They told us to take the bombbag and play it too haha was fun sio!! i enjoy it so much =)
Can't wait to reach this day again xp
Posted by WindDrift at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
haiz... than come back happy liao can talk talk with my xiao gong zhu(sheryl) she is so cute^^
i am so happy to see her smiling and happy =)
Posted by WindDrift at 1:56 AM 0 comments